Σάββατο 15 Μαρτίου 2014

Overcoming Injection Fears: Helping Kids Learn to Be Brave

Overcoming Injection Fears: Helping Kids Learn to Be Brave

Katherine Dahlsgaard, PhD
February 18, 2014
Hi. I'm Dr. Katherine Dahlsgaard. I am a licensed psychologist and lead psychologist of the Anxiety Behaviors Clinic here at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia. Today, I am going to talk about children with injection fears and phobias, what healthcare providers can do to prepare children for a successful injection, as well as what we can do to help parents prepare their children at home for a successful shot experience.
Estimates vary, but it appears that about 2%-8% of children and adolescents report full-blown injection phobias: an extreme fear combined with what is known as functional impairment that gets in the way or messes things up for the kid. I hear examples of parents putting off the human papilloma vaccine, for example, because their child is so afraid of shots, or putting off dental work that is necessary because their child is resisting it because they don't want Novocain (procaine) or a shot.
Well over half of children walking into your office are going to have mild-to-moderate fears of injections. That can cause functional impairment in your office as well because if you have screaming kids or kids that are breaking down in the waiting room, they are kind of gumming up the works in your practice. So it really is a good idea to prepare kids so that they have a successful experience and your office also is successful in providing shots to kids. What I do in the office is what is known as exposure: That is the active ingredient in the treatment for any phobia.
Exposure can be done in the office, but it can also be done by parents both at home and in the doctor's office. I usually recommend 5 basic strategies for kids with mild-to-moderate fears who don't need full psychological treatment, but they are all basically exposure-based.
Number one is psychoeducation -- educating kids about shots. It is incredibly important because most kids only encounter a needle maybe once or twice a year, and they have a lot of misconceptions about shots. They think the needle is going to be "this big," and they think it's going to hurt terribly, and what they need is good psychoeducation. A good resource for you to recommend to parents or to allow kids to watch in your waiting room if you have computers is a gorgeous video made by The Jim Henson Company called Sid, the Science Kid: Getting a Shot, You Can Do It! . It is 28 minutes long and available on YouTube. It is a wonderful instructional video with songs and dancing that basically tells kids all they need to know about why shots are needed, what actually happens, how big the needles are, and it also gives them a brave song to sing.
The second thing I recommend to parents and to kids is that they look at some role models, which is other peers getting shots and being brave. And there are plenty of really great videos on YouTube of teenagers and of children of all different races receiving shots and acting brave while they get the shots, not showing a lot of distress. I have kids in my office watch those over and over and over. Once is not enough. Watching a role model, a peer you can relate to get a shot -- and watching that video over and over again, they're usually about 2 minutes long -- until the anxiety of watching it dissipates is great. It is both exposure habituation and providing another kid to emulate. The child will realize it's possible to sit still for a shot.
The third thing I recommend is teaching kids something about brave body, and brave body is the opposite of scared body. Most kids who are about to get a shot insist on sitting in their mother's lap, and it becomes a struggle. What I do with kids is I teach them very clearly what is expected for brave body. I say, "If you act brave, you will feel more brave." I show them what brave body looks like: shoulders back, arm in my lap and relaxed, I roll up my sleeve like I don't have a care in the world, I look away, and I don't sit in my mom's lap. I do recommend that. Mom sits in front of the kid for that encouragement, but the child sits by herself when she is getting the shot.
The fourth thing I recommend is a coping card, and this is a card that children write out in advance that they read to help them have courage during the shot. It also helps to distract them. Remember I said that they shouldn't sit in mom's lap? Mom should sit in front of them. I suggest during the shot that the child read the coping card to mom or to the parent that is accompanying the child so that they are distracted, saying a brave thing that they will come up with on their own, and are also looking at the card and not the injection site. An actual coping card that I have -- this is an actual child who was very terrified of shots and with whom the card was very successful: "It will hurt for a second, but then it will be over. Millions of people have gotten shots before me, and this is no different. I can do it." And she simply read it to her mom over and over during the course of the shot she received.
Finally, I recommend that parents and kids work out a good plan. A good plan is written down, the child describes how he or she is going to act during the shot, and both the parent and child sign. It should be something like, "I'm going to do brave body," "I'm going to read my coping card," and "I'm going to look at Dad while I read the coping card." And if the child does those things, immediately after the shot, the child can go get a reward -- either go out for ice cream immediately or go to a toy store for a small toy. I make it clear to parents that they're not rewarding their child for not being scared. Rather, they're rewarding their child for engaging in these coping behaviors. Being brave is not not being scared. It is being scared but dealing with it in your own way. I think that is what should be rewarded.
Those are my recommendations, and I mentioned some resources that you can find online.

Physician Misunderstandings About Allergies Unsafe

Physician Misunderstandings About Allergies Unsafe

Laird Harrison
March 06, 2014
SAN DIEGO — Many physicians mistakenly believe that people with egg allergies should avoid measles, mumps, influenza, and rabies vaccines cultured in egg. It's a popular misconception — one of many about allergies that is harming patients and costing money, according to experts from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI).
"Most flu vaccines are actually grown in an egg culture so there has always been a concern that people with an egg allergy who get the vaccines will have a reaction," said Theodore Freeman, MD, an allergist in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. In fact, "this doesn't happen."
Dr. Freeman was part of a committee of experts working on a list of 5 don'ts of allergy treatment and testing, which was released here at the AAAAI 2014 meeting.
The list is part of the Choosing Wisely campaign, developed by the American Board of Internal Medicine Foundation to improve efficiency in the American healthcare system. Dozens of professional organizations have released similar lists.
The AAAAI initiative now consists of 10 don'ts; the first 5 waste-busting recommendations were released in 2012.
The new list states that no special precautions are needed for egg-allergic patients receiving mumps, measles, or rabies vaccines. For an egg-based influenza vaccine, patients should be observed for 30 minutes after the injection or given an egg-free vaccine.
"Much of the care delivered in America is unnecessary," said AAAAI president Linda Cox, MD, a private-practice allergist in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, who presented the new list.
"Each of these don'ts has the potential to have a huge impact on our patients and on our resources," said Dr. Freeman. "All of these items fall in our purview, and they're all evidence-based."
Table: The 5 Don'ts on the 2014 AAAAI Choosing Wisely List
Don't routinely avoid influenza vaccination in egg-allergic patients.
Don't perform food immunoglobulin (Ig)E testing without a history consistent with potential IgE-mediated food allergy.
Don't routinely order low- or iso-osmolar radiocontrast media or pretreat patients who have a history of seafood allergy with corticosteroids and antihistamines.
Don't overuse non-beta lactam antibiotics in patients with a history of penicillin allergy; appropriate evaluation is required before such use.
Don't rely on antihistamines as first-line treatment for severe allergic reactions.

The experts acknowledge that they cannot show that the 2012 list has resulted in healthcare savings or changed the way physicians are practicing — an aspect of the plan that has been criticized.
They note that they are not aware of any attempt to document the impact of such lists. "The purpose is not necessarily to track costs, but to spark conversation," said David Lang, MD, professor of medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, and a member of the list committee.
"It's really about starting a conversation between patients and physicians," Dr. Cox explained. "It helps me to have a piece of paper for patients to review and digest. It gives them a little more comfort that this is coming from an organization that gave this some thought."
Dr. Freeman has disclosed no relevant financial relationships. Dr. Cox reports that she has served on advisory boards of Stallergenes and Medimmune, and as a consultant to Circassia, Novartis, and Biomay. Dr. Lang reports that he has served as a consultant to Hycor, GlaxoSmithKline, and Quest.
American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) 2014. Presented February 28, 2014.